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The Pelican Bar is a local bar as off the beaten path as it gets. From the boat ride to the food and the bar, everything is as local and rustic as one can imagine. This is the perfect way to spend a day doing nothing on a sand bank out at sea, drinking Red Stripe Beer, sunbathing, eating grilled lobster or a whole fish with total relaxation from the rest of the world. Things to bring along, Towels, swim wear, extra suite of dry clothing, camera and cash.
What to Expect
If you are looking for the perfect 'get away from it all" experience, then look no further than the Pelican Bar, a rustic wooden bar build on a sand bank a quarter of a mile out to sea, half way between the Black River and Treasure Beach. The Pelican Bar is the perfect way to spend your day doing absolutely nothing. Sunbath, drink beer, swim in the shallow waters, eat fresh fried fish or freshly caught grilled lobster and just shut out the outside world and chill.
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